Simply click on "REGISTER" and start entering your filing information. Pay only when you click on submit to eFile. If you're a tax preparer or other third party filer, easily manage tax filing for multiple accounts in single registration.
It takes less than 10 minutes to enter your payer, payee and 1099 form information via our easy to use navigation process. You can also review your 1099 form before submitting it to the IRS. Large filers can use our bulk data upload feature to save time.
That's it you are done. Review your information and click submit to IRS/State. Make your payment and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your email address about your status. The IRS acceptance status will also be emailed to you once the IRS processes your filing.
Thank you very much for your wonderful support, it's incredible.
The program is great, but what impressed me the most was the service you provided.