1099 Deadline | 1099 Filing Deadline 2024, IRS Form 1099 Due Dates

1099 Filing Deadline

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You can file electronically through the Filing Information Returns Electronically System (FIRE System); however, you must have software that can produce a file in the proper format according to Pub. 1220. 1099online.com is that software for you. With our advanced, secure and user friendly navigation process, you can file and submit your returns to the IRS quickly and we’ll make sure that you receive your IRS acceptance confirmation via secure e-mail as soon as the IRS accepts it.

  • Please see the chart below to see the deadlines for your 1099 filing
    1099 to recipients January 31, 2025
    Paper filing deadline February 28, 2025
    Electronic filing deadline April 01, 2025
  • Please see the chart below to see the deadlines for your 1042-S filing
    1042-S to recipients March 17, 2025
    Paper filing deadline March 17, 2025
    Electronic filing deadline March 17, 2025
  • Extension of time to efile 1099 forms

    You can get an automatic 30-day extension of time to file by completing Form 8809, Application for Extension of Time to File Information Returns. The form may be submitted on paper, or through the FIRE system either as a fill-in form or an electronic file. No signature or explanation is required for the extension. However, you must file Form 8809 by the due date of the returns in order to get the 30-day extension.

  • Instructions to apply for form 8809:

    As soon as you know that a 30-day extension of time to file is needed, file Form 8809.

    • • If you are requesting an extension for 10 or fewer filers, follow the instructions on Form 8809 and mail it to the address listed in the instructions on the form or you can fax it.
    • • If you are requesting an extension for more than 10 filers, you must submit the extension request online or electronically through the FIRE system. You are encouraged to submit requests for 10 or fewer filers using the online fill-in form.